Why do i do this to myself?? I have arranged to have a friend over for my son today and another friend for my son to have for a sleep over.Friends=equal major impulse issues and major melt downs.I do this a lot and have yet to learn not to.But he needs constant stimulation so they are his victims.I know they have a hard time handling him as well so i try to limit how long they are over for.But really you can tell when they have had enough.He is upset he doesn't get invited over much but...really we all know why.I told him he complains when he goes to somebody elses house anyways.He has more fun at home.But geez i wish he was invited to other peoples houses more too!! his friend has been over for maybe 20 mins and they played on the wii for like 10 min and now my son is bored...oh man!!!
My daughter is having her little friend over as well for a sleep over.This will make more work for me.But everyone is pointing out how she never has anyone over.But she is 3!!! Its just more on my plate then!!
Tonite is new years.We don't have any major plans and my expectations are low.We go ice skating this afternoon and then..we will see what the evening brings..
2 years ago
Oh goodness! I can't even imagine all the sleep over obligations! I can't wait to read more about your adventures!